10 Tips to Keep Your HVAC System Running Smoothly in West Palm Beach, FL

Maintaining your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is essential to ensure that your home or business in West Palm Beach, FL is comfortable all year round. Here are 10 simple tips to keep your HVAC system running smoothly for years to come.

10 Tips to Keep Your HVAC System Running Smoothly in West Palm Beach, FL

Maintaining your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is essential to ensure that your home or business in West Palm Beach, FL is comfortable all year round. Regular cleaning and maintenance can save you money and extend the life of your heat pump or HVAC unit. To help you keep your HVAC system running smoothly for years to come, here are 10 simple tips that you should follow. 1.

Change or clean your air filters regularly


Air filters are responsible for removing large particles and allergens from the air before they reach indoor air quality sensors. It is recommended to change or clean your filters every 30 days to improve the air quality inside your home and consume less energy. Filters with a MERV rating between seven and 13 offer an excellent balance between filtration capacity and maximum airflow.2.

Clean the outdoor unit

. The outdoor unit of the HVAC system is more likely to accumulate dirt and dust, which could affect the performance of the air conditioning system.

To keep it in top condition, make sure to clean it regularly.3.

Check the thermostat

. Make sure that the thermostat is set correctly and that it is working properly. If you have a programmable thermostat, set it to a temperature that is comfortable for you.4.

Check the ducts

. Inspect the ducts for any signs of damage or leaks.

If you find any, contact a professional HVAC technician to repair them.5.

Check the vents

. Make sure that all of the vents are open and unobstructed. If they are blocked, it can cause your system to work harder than necessary.6.

Check for leaks

. Check around the windows and doors for any signs of air leaks.

If you find any, seal them with caulk or weatherstripping.7.Check the condensate drain. The condensate drain should be clear of any debris or blockages. If it is blocked, it can cause water damage to your home.8.Check the refrigerant levels. Low refrigerant levels can cause your system to run inefficiently and can even cause damage to the compressor.

Have a professional technician check the levels regularly.9.

Check for corrosion

. Corrosion can occur on any metal parts of your HVAC system, such as the coils or fan blades. Have a professional technician inspect these parts regularly.10.

Schedule regular maintenance

. Air conditioning maintenance plans are essential to protect your HVAC investment.

Our goal is to keep the living space of your home or business comfortable all year round. With a simple maintenance plan, your system will run smoothly all year round. Regular cleaning and maintenance will save you money and extend the life of your heat pump or HVAC unit. Trust Envirotech's air quality services for commercial preventive maintenance in West Palm Beach, Florida. If you're a business owner in West Palm Beach, Florida, you know how important a good commercial HVAC system can be. Following these 10 tips will help you keep your HVAC system running smoothly in West Palm Beach, FL for years to come!.