What Type of Training Do Technicians Need to Become HVAC Professionals in West Palm Beach, FL?

Are you looking to pursue a career in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry in West Palm Beach, FL? If so, Florida Career College (FCC) offers a comprehensive HVAC program that can help you get the qualifications you need.

What Type of Training Do Technicians Need to Become HVAC Professionals in West Palm Beach, FL?

Are you looking to pursue a career in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry in West Palm Beach, FL? If so, you'll need to obtain the right training and certifications to become a successful HVAC professional. Florida Career College (FCC) offers a comprehensive HVAC program that can help you get the qualifications you need to work in this field. In order to work in the HVAC industry, you must obtain a Section 608 Technical Certification. This certification allows you to handle refrigerants and appliances that depend on this chemical.

FCC's HVAC program is accredited by HVAC Excellence and Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Accreditation, two of the main agencies responsible for evaluating Florida's HVAC programs. In addition to obtaining the right certifications, you must also meet certain requirements set forth by Chapter 489 of the Florida Statute. This includes obtaining a building permit to install, remove, or replace an HVAC system. Contractors who want to purchase an HVAC license or contract a licensed HVAC license must also have the insurance required for Florida general contractors, including liability and property damage insurance and workers' compensation insurance if they employ other people. The FCC HVAC program provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to become successful professionals in this field.

The program covers topics such as electrical systems, air conditioning systems, refrigeration systems, and more. Students will also learn about safety protocols and regulations related to the industry. Upon completion of the program, students will be prepared to take the Section 608 Technical Certification exam and obtain their license. If you're looking for a rewarding career in the HVAC industry in West Palm Beach, FL, FCC's HVAC program can help you get started. With the right training and certifications, you can become a successful professional in this field.